Which Is Better Turret Or Minigunner Tower Defense Simulator Roblox

First submittedNovember 2, 2020
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Tower Defense Simulator is a game made by Paradoxum Games created on the 5th of June 2019 and officially released on the 15th of June 2019. It involves players teaming up with one another to fighting waves of different enemies until they either are overrun or triumph that particular map. Guys we're going in for a juicy topictower defense simulator is based on towers battles when it was first released tho. The Minigunner has a Damage Per Second (DPS) of 61.5 at the max level. The Minigunner is an essential tower for attack or defense, especially mid-late games. The Minigunner can take care of stronger zombies, but it can also quickly wipe out weaker zombies. The Minigunner should be one of the units you spam most. Place them in a large.

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Which Is Better Turret Or Minigunner Tower Defense Simulator Roblox 2020

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Which Is Better Turret Or Minigunner Tower Defense Simulator Roblox Wiki

One of the starter towers in the game. Has a pistol.
The other stater tower in the game. Is a cliff troop and has a very long starting range.
A very cheap troop that wields a burst assault rifle.
In my opinion, the worst troop in the game. Has a paintball gun.
Throws grenades and deals decent splash damage.
Won from beating the map Badlands on Molten, Golden, or Fallen.
Wields a powerful Pump Shotgun that does massive damage.
Obtained by getting to level 30, or spending robux.
Obtained by getting to level 50, or spending robux.
Obtained by getting to level 75, or spending robux.
Obtained by getting to level 100, or spending robux
A troop previously called John which wields an Infantry Rifle (that´s a guess BTW)
A troop that has a minigun. Need I say more?
A support tower that boosts the firerate of troops and gets Call to Arms at level 2.
A support tower that boosts firerate, range, and gives a price discount at level 5.
A support tower that has a taser/ tesla tower and shocks enemies
A mainly support tower that slows down enemies with a flamethrower.
A mainly support tower that freezes enemies briefly with a freeze ray.
A cliff troop that deals massive damage with a railgun.
Has a rocket launcher with a slow firerate, but deals massive splash damage.
A Plane that flies around in a circle with a machine gun (later upgraded into a bomb)
A nurse that has a bandage gun that somehow does damage. Heals your base and other stunned troops.
A troops from hardcore that has a charged laser blaster.
A troop with black garments that throws knives
A troop with a bow and arrow obtianed from Chrismas 2020 event.
A varient of the Archer.
An event tower obtained from beating the map Area 51 that has a guided missile launcher.
An event tower that has a big sword.
A varient of the Turret (I think?)
A troop that mines the void (Exclusive to developers)